Pen to Paper So to Speak
Post Number 0001.
There are many blogs, but this one is mine, and it is a blog about:
- Artificial Intelligence
- ChatGPT
- Cloud Computing
- Connections
- Containerisation
- Data
- Emerging Technology
- GNU/Linux
- Number Crunching
- Personal Growth
- Python
- SaaS
- Small Business
- Solopreneurship
- … whatever else
I also follow some very interesting, performant and engaging people on Twitter, such as:
- @jasonstrimpel
- @thejustinwelsh
- @DougAntin
- @jspector
- @pwang
- @Codie_Sanchez
- @jonbrosio
- … and many others.
One thing that has become clear to me, after reading so many quality threads off my Twitter timeline, is that to increase the value of my personal network, I need to write, contribute and interact.
Write stylishly.
Write impactfully.
Write frequently.
4 months ago, I also formed a working relationship with a Remote Life Coach, who is helping me to focus. He too, said that I should write or specifically, journal everyday.
So, I have this Blog, my Twitter and my A4-based Journal. This provides the opportunity to commit to writing, to form a positive and life-changing habit.
However it is all up to me, just like everything else, right?